Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past

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Start Date Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 8:55pm

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Title Timeline Location
More Revelations
by Lieutenant Haarris Zim & Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/03/13 1400 hours Avian Planet
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
After "Stranded" Lost in the Woods
The Revelation
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Haarris Zim
2296/03/13 1300 hours Avian Planet
Stranded...and Hiding
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
Lost in the Woods
Checking In
by Lieutenant Vila Lorut & Lieutenant Kailani Young
MD-2 Sickbay
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Haarris Zim & Lieutenant Vila Lorut & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/03/13 1200 hours Avian Planet
Heading to the Planet
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Glenn Radars & Lieutenant Haarris Zim & Lieutenant Vila Lorut & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/03/13 1115 hours Transporter Room and Shuttlebay
Meeting the New ACMO
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Vila Lorut
2296/03/04 1100 Captain's Office
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
2296/03/13 1000 hours Avian Planet
Nothing Goes as Planned
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Glenn Radars & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross & Lieutenant Sistine Fibel
2296/03/13 1100 hours America Bridge
A Flash of Light
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
1400 hours Shuttle
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/03/13 0830 hours Meeting Room
Checking on Repairs
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Glenn Radars
2296/03/12 1800 Engineering
Watch Your Step
by Captain Kelly O'Connor
2296/03/11 1200 Mess Hall
Duty and Rosters (Part II)
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
2296/03/13 0830 hours Jericho's Quarters
Duty and Rosters (Part I)
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
2296/03/13 0815 hours Jericho's Quarters
Scientifically Speaking
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
Day One and Still Here -- So Far
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
2296/03/12 1800 hours Capac's Quarters
Patience is a Virtue (Part 2)
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Glenn Radars & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho & Lieutenant Dacia Stallworth
2296/03/13 0800 hours Meeting Room
Meeting the Boss
by Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
Chief of Security Office
Patience is a Virtue (Part 1)
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Glenn Radars & Lieutenant Dacia Stallworth & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross & Lieutenant JG John Adams
2296/03/13 0800 hours Meeting Room
Security Report
by Lieutenant JG John Adams
Security Office
Parting Is Such Tweet Sorrow
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho & Lieutenant JG John Adams
2296/03/12 2200 hours Hangar
Another Chance to Make a Bad Impression
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac
2296/03/12 1415 Captain's Office
What happens off duty, stays off duty...
by Lieutenant Glenn Radars & Lieutenant Sistine Fibel
2296/03/12 2100 hours Crew Lounge/Sistines Quarters

Mission Summary