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Checking In

Posted on Tue Jan 23rd, 2024 @ 5:53am by Lieutenant Vila Lorut & Lieutenant Kailani Young

840 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD-2

Kailani walked into Sickbay. She smiled as she stepped inside, a warm, friendly smile. A relaxed smile. She was not bothered too much by these things. "I'm looking for Dr. Lorut," she said. "I'm Lieutenant Young."

Vila was at the computer, doing her notes for the day. She looked up. "I am Dr. Lorut," she said. "I'll be right with you. Who might you be?" Her eyes darted to her calendar, but she wanted to hear it from the woman. "You're late. By fifty-five seconds," she said, but stood up. "Let's begin." She led the woman to a private room, where a biobed and supplies were set up.

"Lieutenant Young," Young repeated. She was slightly bemused as she followed the doctor to the private room, looking to the biobed and the supplies.

"You said that," the Doctor replied. She watched as the woman climbed onto the biobed. "What brings you in today? Just your regular yearly physical?" She began a scan of the woman's body. "Is there anything not in your file that I should be aware of?"

"I did and then, after that, you asked who I might be," Young pointed out. "I'm just here for my regular physical. I've just joined the crew. I'm not aware of anything not in my file that you should known."

Vila nodded. "Good, this will be fast, then," she said. "Lay back." She ran the tricorder over the woman's body, from head to toe. "So far, everything looks good," she said. "Biometrics are excellent. What do you do on the ship?" She asked.

Kailani lay back as instructed. "I'm the Chief Helmsman," she answered, as Vila scanned her.

Vila nodded. "Interesting," she said. "What do you do to keep yourself fit?" She said. "You can sit up," she said.

"A few things when I get the chance," Kailani said as she sat up. "Swimming, canoeing, soccer...but, usually, in space, I just try not to neglect the gym."

Vila's face was still poker-straight. "Those are good choices," she said. Getting your body moving was good for your heart. And mental health. "What do you do to cope with stress?" At this point, she placed a stethoscope on Kailani's chest. "Breathe deeply."

"Flying," Kailani said without a moment's hesitation. Then she took in a deep breath, as instructed, holding it until the doctor told her otherwise.

"Mmmm," Vila murmured, noncommittally. "You need to find another thing. Balance is important," she said. "Anything else?" She asked. "Open your mouth, please." She peered down the woman's throat and mouth, checking for infection, anomalies, and etc that might be of interest. "Did you have your tonsils removed as a child?" Vila asked.

Kailani tilted her head. "Socialization," she said, with a shrug. "Movies." She opened her mouth wide when Vila asked her too. There were no anomalies. She shook her head slightly, mouth still wide. She had not had her tonsils removed.

Vila nodded. "Yours just must be small, then," She said. "No worries, that happens sometimes with the humans," she said. "Close your mouth," she advised. "You seem in fine health. Do you have anything you wish to discuss with me today?"

Kailani closed her mouth and paused. She somehow felt almost as if she should say something. "Not in particular," she admitted.

Vila simply nodded. "Ok. I just a few more questions, and you can be on your way. Are you sexually active? If yes, for how long and is it a committed relationship? Also, when was the date of your last menstrual cycle?" Vila needed to know what she was dealing with, women's health wise.

"I'm not currently seeing anyone or having regular sexual activity," Kailani said, "but I'm not a virgin and it's not off the table. My last menstrual cycle was twelve days ago."

Vila nodded. "Well, if and when that happens, make sure you're being safe, ok. Are you normally regular?" Vila asked. "If so, then we're done today! If not, let's run a couple of tests," she said. As Vila ran down the list of things she needed to complete on an exam, she grew less tense. She'd always been a bit of a perfectionist, and took it out on herself by being a little distant. "Your temporal scans are also normal," Vila noted.

"I'm regular. I..." She froze. "Wait...temporal scans?"

Vila smiled slyly. "I am Betazed. It helps me do my job better. You have a lot of thoughts, there, Lieutenant. Do you need a chat?" She offered.

"It's just an ambiguous phrase," Kailani said as it clicked.

Vila nodded. "Indeed," she said. "Well. If you decide you'd like someone to bounce ideas off, I am here," she said. "In the meantime, you're free to go," she said.

"Thank you," Kailani said, taking her leave.

Vila watched her go, and then turned to the computer to make her notes. She was really going to need to work on her bedside manner.

Lieutenant Kailani Young
Chief Helmsman
USS America

Lt. Dr. Vila Lorut
Chief Medical Officer
USS America


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