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Tue Jan 23rd, 2024 @ 5:53am

Lieutenant Kailani Young

Name Kailani Grace Young

Position Chief Helmsman

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30
Date of Birth 9 January 2266
Place of Birth Honolulu, Earth

Physical Appearance

Height 155 cm
Weight 55 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description She is an athletic woman with silky black hair.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Commander Christopher Young
Mother Dr. Linda Young (née Hirono)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None relevant

Other Relationships

Significant Other(s)/Romance She had a romance with another cadet named Ed Durham while at the academy. He was interested in archeology and navigation. They parted ways shortly after graduation. The romance did not survive distance. He now serves on the USS Hood.
Friends Lieutenant Mazie Nagaoka was a fashionable young cadet who was also studying helm and navigation. She and Kailani were close at the Academy. She is currently serving on the USS Mariner.

Lieutenant Matthieu Girard was also in her friend group at the Academy. He was and is a brash, opinionated young officer, but one very protective of those close to him. He had an off again, on again relationship with Mazie, currently in the off phase. Matthieu serves as a security officer at Starbase 11.

Ensign Satak was in several study groups with Kailani at the Academy, though they rarely socialized. He was interested in the first emergence of sentience and studied paleontology. archeology, biology. and anthropology. A science officer whose specialty comes into play only on the most primitive worlds, Satak is not on the fast track for promotion and does not care. Logically, he thinks, knowledge must be an end in itself. Kailani always found his simple, unassuming manner relaxing. He was always ready to listen. Satak now serves on the USS Messenger.

Lieutenant Commander T'Poi was another close friend of Kailani and her roommate for two years at the Academy. The disciplined and driven Vulcan officer went through those early years with her and now serves aboard the USS Hood.
Enemies/Rivals Lieutenant Commander Alejandra Tovar y Wiechers was an extremely ambitious cadet who was competitive with Kailani and sometimes a bit of a bully. There is still bad blood between them but Alejandra has been successful in her career. She is currently serving aboard the USS Borealis.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kailani is an intrepid, forward-looking officer, who loves to fly in practically any context. She is an explorer at heart, though she also treasures her roots on Earth.
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Quirks Strengths: Bold, competent, steady, adventurous.
Ambitions To one day be a captain.
Hobbies, Interests, Likes, and Dislikes Canoeing, recreational atmospheric flight, swimming, soccer, surfing
Languages Known English, French, Hawaiian, Spanish
Medical Profile Physically fit
Psychological Profile Extrovert
Defining Quotes and/or Character Beliefs "We have always been explorers from the first hominid looking over the next hill to the people who settled the Pacific in nothing but canoes to the first balloons, airplanes, spaceships, starships, we've always wanted to learn what's over the next horizon. Sometimes we have not dealt well with those we've found, but I think, at our best, we explore ourselves as we explore the universe."

Personal History Kailani was born in Honolulu to a starfleet officer and a medical doctor. Like many Hawaiians, she can trace her ancestry to several countries in Europe and Asia as well as to the Native peoples of the islands. Growing up, she was fascinated by stories she heard of starships exploring the galaxy but also by old stories of how Oceania had been populated by explorers using just the stars, birds, and swells of waves to navigate. She always wondered what that would have been like, not as an exercise with help a comm call away.

Kailani always knew she wanted to be an explorer. Helm and navigation were her main interests at the Academy, although she also did well in archaeology and anthropology. She did reasonably but not exceptionally well, graduating in the top half but not the top quarter of her class. Starfleet Academy was an elite institution and she felt proud of her record there.

It was at the Academy that she made her life-long friends. She also explored a romance with another cadet, though it did not last past graduation. It was also while there that she established a lasting rivalry.

Her first posting was to the USS Protector as a junior helm officer and shuttle pilot. She flew the shuttle when an Away Team was sent to do a survey of flora and fauna on the planet Morico. The team was infected with a pathogen that had been undetected by sensors. It removed inhibitions. Fighting broke out among the team and most of them, including Kailani, wound up with bruises and sour feelings.

Her next posting was to the USS Cortez as navigator under Captain Anna Althaus. She was aboard the Cortez during first contact with the Fertscheans, a species with a communal consciousness that had little understanding of individual sentience. Three Cotez crew members, including Lailani's friend Ensign Andrew Golemon, were killed. Despite the genuine cultural misunderstanding, it was hard for her and most of the crew to move past it. She was amazed by the self-discipline and sensitivity of Captain Althaus.

After that, she was posted to the America.
Education Record 2284-2288: Starfleet Academy
Service Record 2288-2290: Junior helm officer, USS Protector

2290-2296: Navigator, USS Cortez

2296-: Chief Helmsman, USS America