Welcome to the USS America!
The year is 2296. The U.S.S. America NCC-1776-A is the last of the Constitution-class line of starships. Under the command of Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor, the ship helps form the backbone of the infrastructure of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet.
Numerous positions remain available, especially:
* Chief Navigator
* Chief Communications
* All Assistant Chief positions
and more!
Join Today!
USS America is rated 2-2-2, based on the system used by RPGRating.com.
Latest News Items
» Congratulations Are In ORder
Posted on Wed May 18th, 2022 @ 9:48am by Captain Kelly O'Connor in General News
America has won the Gameplay Award in the Tournament of Sims!
I apologize for my absence. Running for judge has been time consuming. Also, with my wife having had breast cancer surgery, I was on triple duty between playing lawyer, taking care of family, and running for judge. In the interim, I was hoping for a set of posts to start, but they had not. So, in the next few days I'm going to set a post up assuming part of the plot occurred and getting things moving again.
Let's make America even greater!
» Status Update - September, 2020 Edition
Posted on Mon Sep 7th, 2020 @ 9:48am by Captain Kelly O'Connor in General News
General News - Status Update - September, 2020 Edition
The following is a news item from Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor.
Normally, I send these status updates out on the first of the month (give or take a few days) to give an overview of everything that happened in the month before and of what our goals are for the upcoming month.
In August, we gained two crewmembers, boosting our numbers from 5 to 7.
Our new crewmembers are:
Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Dacia Stallworth and
Chief Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Glenn Radars
We're going to continue improving upon the site to make it attractive and informative for all. If there's something that you want to see that we don't have, please let us know!
We had 9 posts in August. Great job, people! However, we have not had a new post since August 23, 2020, so we can do better. Let me know how I can help!
Mission Recap
Having set off with a new crew, the often cantankerous Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor is disturbed to be sent out on yet a new diplomatic mission. They are investigating a world called Aenerth for its admission into the Federation. On their way, they have found a crippled Aenerthan ship which requested assistance and seems confounded by America's willingness to help at no cost.
America has arrived at Aenerth and attended a brunch with the Aenerthan officials. After the brunch, the away team was split into groups of two. The away teams discovered that agriculture was continually bent on improving crops by genetic splitting. Industry had no safeguards for workers and Brian and Cara watched someone lose their arm and beg to stay on the job. The Chief Medical Officer and XO went to view the university and medical facilities. During a surgery, the student surgeon was failing and nobody assisted. The CMO did and saved the patient. It was explained that doctors that committed malpractice were let to die along with the patient. Because the CMO assisted, she accidentally ended up engaged to the student.
On the ship, T'Pruk, Cara, and Pendragon were exploring the news outlets and discovered that the planet was highly laissez faire and that the only area that got free anything were military members. Government officials had the best products, as well. Everyone else was left to their own devices. T'Pruk revealed to Pendragon that she is on the verge of pon farr and implied that she would prefer to mate with him as a logical choice.
While that mission is finishing, America has gone back and picked up new crew on two weeks of shore leave. O'Connor and the XO have decided that they highly dislike their new Chief Engineering Officer, who is excessively lazy.
Finish gathering information and file report with Federation regarding Aenerth's admission on Mission 7. Meet with your fellow personnel on shore leave on Mission 8 before flying off.
Player of the Month
Our player of the month this month is our new Chief Medical Officer, Dacia Stallworth who has had 4 posts this month, all torturing various crewmembers with physicals (except the one with the Captain). The detail which Darrell remembered some of the classic TOS medical equipment added a great deal of color to our sim!
If anyone has any ideas for character development or even some subplots, share them with us. I know that my door, as well as my XO’s are always open. Any questions, comments, or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact the Command team. We are here for you!
» Status Update - August, 2020 Edition
Posted on Sun Aug 9th, 2020 @ 10:54am by Captain Kelly O'Connor in General News
The following is a news item from Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor.
It has been nearly nine months since I last sent one of these out. I think that I should get back in the habit of doing it. Normally, I send these out on the first of the month (give or take a few days) to give an overview of everything that happened in the month before and of what our goals are for the upcoming month.
In July, we had 5 crew members.
We're going to continue improving upon the site to make it attractive and informative for all. If there's something that you want to see that we don't have, please let us know!
We had 4 posts in July with 5 people. We can do better. However, it appears that activity, in general, is picking up, especially with two new players arriving in August.
Mission Recap
Having set off with a new crew, the often cantankerous Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor is disturbed to be sent out on yet a new diplomatic mission. They are investigating a world called Aenerth for its admission into the Federation. On their way, they have found a crippled Aenerthan ship which requested assistance and seems confounded by America's willingness to help at no cost.
America has arrived at Aenerth and attended a brunch with the Aenerthan officials. After the brunch, the away team was split into groups of two. The away teams discovered that agriculture was continually bent on improving crops by genetic splitting. Industry had no safeguards for workers and Brian and Cara watched someone lose their arm and beg to stay on the job. The Chief Medical Officer and XO went to view the university and medical facilities. During a surgery, the student surgeon was failing and nobody assisted. The CMO did and saved the patient. It was explained that doctors that committed malpractice were let to die along with the patient. Because the CMO assisted, she accidentally ended up engaged to the student.
On the ship, T'Pruk, Cara, and Pendragon were exploring the news outlets and discovered that the planet was highly laissez faire and that the only area that got free anything were military members. Government officials had the best products, as well. Everyone else was left to their own devices.
While that mission is finishing, America has gone back and picked up new crew on two weeks of shore leave.
Finish gathering information and file report with Federation regarding Aenerth's admission on Mission 7. Meet with your fellow personnel on shore leave on Mission 8 before flying off.
Player of the Month
Our player of the month this month is our new Chief Science Officer, Cara Ross. Redheads unite!
If anyone has any ideas for character development or even some subplots, share them with us. I know that my door, as well as my XO’s are always open. Any questions, comments, or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact the Command team. We are here for you!
» Status Update - November, 2019 Edition
Posted on Wed Nov 6th, 2019 @ 5:39am by Captain Kelly O'Connor in General News
The following is a news item from Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor.
Welcome to America’s Status Update! I will be sending these out on the first of the month (give or take a few days) to give an overview of everything that happened in the month before and of what our goals are for the upcoming month.
This month we stayed stable at 6 crew members.
We're going to continue improving upon the site to make it attractive and informative for all. Our XO seems to have this mostly under control, but if there's something that you want to see that we don't have, please let us know!
We doubled our posts from one to two this month. We can do better. However, it appears that activity, in general, is picking up. I know that both me and the XO have ideas and there are posts in the hopper, so indications are that things are picking up.
Mission Recap
Having set off with a new crew, the often cantankerous Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor is disturbed to be sent out on yet a new diplomatic mission. They are investigating a world called Aenerth for its admission into the Federation. On their way, they have found a crippled Aenerthan ship which requested assistance and seems confounded by America's willingness to help at no cost.
America has arrived at Aenerth and is now being hailed to attend a brunch with the Aenerthan officials.
Investigate Aenerth.
Player of the Month
Our player of the month this month is our Chief Helmsman, Liliane Olivier, who participated in all the posts this month.
If anyone has any ideas for character development or even some subplots, share them with us. I know that my door, as well as my XO’s are always open. Any questions, comments, or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact the Command team. We are here for you!
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» Status Update - October, 2019 Edition
Posted on Sun Oct 6th, 2019 @ 3:55am by Captain Kelly O'Connor in General News
The following is a news item from Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor.
Welcome to America’s Status Update! I will be sending these out on the first of the month (give or take a few days) to give an overview of everything that happened in the month before and of what our goals are for the upcoming month.
This month we stayed stable at 6 crew members.
We're going to continue improving upon the site to make it attractive and informative for all. Our XO seems to have this mostly under control, but if there's something that you want to see that we don't have, please let us know!
We only had one post this month. Not good. Hopefully, we will pick up the pace with the rescue at the Aenerthan spaceship. I know that both me and the XO have ideas and there are posts in the hopper, so indications are that things are picking up.
Mission Recap
Having set off with a new crew, the often cantankerous Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor is disturbed to be sent out on yet a new diplomatic mission. They are investigating a world called Aenerth for its admission into the Federation. On their way, they have found a crippled Aenerthan ship which requested assistance and seems confounded by America's willingness to help at no cost.
Assist the Aenerthan ship and continue onto Aenerth for investigation.
Player of the Month
With one post this month, I cannot in good conscience nominate a player of the month this month.
If anyone has any ideas for character development or even some subplots, share them with us. I know that my door, as well as my XO’s are always open. Any questions, comments, or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact the Command team. We are here for you!
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Latest Mission Posts
» The Revelation
Mission: Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past
Posted on Thu Nov 28th, 2024 @ 7:03pm by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Haarris Zim
The group was led to a thatch hut. The ground was covered with small bits of gravel. There were several ladders that led to perches with what seemed to be hastily put together thatch beds that looked like they may or may not support a human's body weight. In the…
» Stranded...and Hiding
Mission: Mission 7 - Aenerth for an Earth
Posted on Thu Mar 28th, 2024 @ 5:39am by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
While Cyrus found a place to set up a shelter, Amaya found some food that the tricorder said was edible. That, and the rations they brought from the shuttle would hopefully be enough to keep them for a few days.
Cyrus put his hand-held phaser in its holster. "Make…
» Checking In
Mission: Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past
Posted on Tue Jan 23rd, 2024 @ 5:53am by Lieutenant Vila Lorut & Lieutenant Kailani Young
Kailani walked into Sickbay. She smiled as she stepped inside, a warm, friendly smile. A relaxed smile. She was not bothered too much by these things. "I'm looking for Dr. Lorut," she said. "I'm Lieutenant Young."
Vila was at the computer, doing her notes for the day. She looked up.…
» Meeting
Mission: Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past
Posted on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 3:08am by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Haarris Zim & Lieutenant Vila Lorut & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
"Very well Captain." Zim spoke as he set his phaser appropriately and then leveled the weapon. He led the team out of the shuttle and into the world as it were. His phaser swept from side to side as he looked for any immediate targets. Having found none, Zim gave…
» Heading to the Planet
Mission: Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past
Posted on Sun Jun 25th, 2023 @ 6:38am by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Glenn Radars & Lieutenant Haarris Zim & Lieutenant Vila Lorut & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
O'Connor wasted no time heading down to the transporter room. She was pretty sure that Cara was following her. The Captain hoped that their previous discussion did not cause Ross to doubt herself. Being a competent officer was quite different that having horrible taste in choosing men. O'Connor just hope…