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Posted on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 3:08am by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Haarris Zim & Lieutenant Vila Lorut & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross

3,207 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past
Location: Avian Planet
Timeline: 2296/03/13 1200 hours

"Very well Captain." Zim spoke as he set his phaser appropriately and then leveled the weapon. He led the team out of the shuttle and into the world as it were. His phaser swept from side to side as he looked for any immediate targets. Having found none, Zim gave the signal for the rest to leave the shuttle and join him.

O'Connor saw the signal and instructed everyone else to follow her with a wave of her hand.

Vila was the next out of the shuttle-her tall frame wasn't built for things like that. The Betazoid woman had the foresight to stay at Zim's flank, and make sure the phaser was on. It was. She held her kit, but close, and her black eyes scanned the scene. She wasn't about to be bird food. "All clear to my right flank," she said, quietly. She turned her brain "on", and waited.

All around the crew, other than a small concrete runway where the shuttle sat, was trees. In the distance, three figures dropped from a tree and landed on the ground. They started to walk towards the America crew.

As instinct took over Zim dropped into a firing stance and leveled the phaser. "I am Lieutenant Zim of the Federation Starship America. Whomever approaches state your name and place your hands where I can see them."

O'Connor had to chuckle under her breath. Zim was definitely thorough, if nothing else. "This is their planet, Zim. Lower your phaser." She then called out to the on comers, "I am Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor of the USS America. We were invited here."

Vila wasn't getting much, except perhaps a bit of annoyance at Zim's firm actions. At least she wasn't the only one quick on the draw around here. She might be OK after all. "They're neutral. For now," she said to Zim, quietly.

O'Connor recognized one of the 7 foot tall avian creatures coming towards her as Captain Kaktaw. He was emerald green. The avian creatures had large wings and O'Connor knew underneath them were claws. They also walked on claws towards the Federation party. Their eyes were mostly forward but placed out towards the side of their heads giving them a wider range of vision. It would be pretty difficult to sneak up on any of them. The other two avian creatures were both gold with blue wings.

Captain Kaktaw said, "Gweetingz, Captain. Ooo awwr yorrr companeen?

Working through the stilted Romulan accented speech, O'Connor replied, "I will let each one introduce themselves and their position to you?"

Vila fought the urge to follow suit to Harriis Zim, and instead, read the bird-man as she spoke. "Dr. Vila Lorut, Chief Medical Officer," she said. She let the bird-being know that she was unamused to be there, but mostly came in peace.

The ever suspicious Capellan Haarris Zim holstered his phaser with a small amount of reluctance. He was of the opinion that everyone was an enemy, you just haven't learned that yet. Still orders from the Captain should always be followed regardless of your belief. "I am Lieutenant Haariis Zim Assistant Chief Security Officer." He addressed the birdman ever ready to react should the need arise.

O'Connor looked back at her fellow redhead, Cara Ross and shot her a meaningful glance to introduce herself on the double.

Having hung near the back of the group, content to let the more combat oriented officers take point while she took scans, Cara caught the captain's gaze as she shut the top of her tricorder and looked back up at the bird-people. Curiosity about their plumage and what the differences in color might indicate, she coughed slightly, and then stated as clearly as she could, "Lt. Cara Ross. Chief Science officer. Ah pleasure to make yer acquaintance Ah'm sure." That the words were said in a heavy Scottish brouge probably did not help matters.

Introductions having been completed, O'Connor asked, "Who are your companions, Captain Kaktaw?"

Kaktaw responded, "At da weft iz Peker Natu. At wite is Diwector Noctaw." He shook his head. "Eckcoos owr tawk. Your wangwage iz difficut or owr tounge. Need to work on dis."

O'Connor looked back at her companions and hoped that they picked up whatever she might have missed.

Kaktaw continued, "I now know ooo, Captain, are female despite red fewwerz. Is Cara Rozz alow female? And Zim and Worrut are female too? Do ooo av any malez among ooo?"

Vila frantically fought an urge to laugh aloud, but instead channeled her energy to calming the scene, and "speaking" to the birdmen. "Zim is male, actually." She glanced around. This was one of-NOPE, THE- weirdest assignment she'd ever had. And she'd been around for AWHILE, so that was saying something.

Cara had to smother a smile that threatened to blossom as the doctor explained their biology to the birds, concluding that plumage was most definitely an indicator of sex for the bird folk. In a word, fascinating.

The wind picked up and tufts of pollen started to fly around everywhere.

Kaktaw looked over Zim and back at O'Connor, "Or wace iz awfwy odd. Can't tewl wat iz wat! I don't poze ooo can fwy?"

"No, we can't fly," O'Connor replied deadpan.

"A tame. Wewl, dat waz twue of da Womwan, too, zo we buiwlt a wift. Come." More pollen blew around, making it momentarily difficult to breathe. Even the bird people could be heard to sneeze.

Zim covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve to block out the pollen. He kept his hand on his weapon as one did not have to be a tactician to realize that this would be the opportune time to ambush. These bird people rubbed the Cappellan the wrong way. As such he chose not speak unless he was directly spoken to. In his opinion the sooner they were off the planet the better it would be for him and everyone else. These birds were simply put a waste of time as far as he was concerned. However, it was not his decision to make and so he remained on guard and silent.

Cara was happy to follow along, discreetly flipping the top of her tricorder back up to resume scans. The redheaded lieutenant was privately pleased that she'd remembered to configure the device for silent scans, but privately wishing she'd brought a mask to filter the pollen. That would probably have been offensive on some level however.

The Doc prepped her own Tricorder, in case, and made sure her phaser was set to stun. It made her feel better, at least, as they moved forward. Were they really going to follow bird men into what could be a trap?! "Ma'am...are you sure?" It wasn't like Vila to be worried, but she was.

"I'm certain," O'Connor replied in a quiet growl.

The Avian figures lead the group to a rope and pulley contraption which had a gate that closed to enclose those inside like a bird cage. The emerald green avian informed them, "Dis wiwll take up two of oo at a time. Wun uf us wiwl wemain down ere to make oor dat oo are cured. Eee oo up in da tweez." With that, the avian captain and one of the other birds took flight.

O'Connor said, "Zim, you and Ross go up first. I'll head up with the doctor."

Vila gave O'Connor a LOOK. Like HELL was she going to repel up a damn rope into trees to cure a bird. Did she have "doctor of veterinary science" behind her name? NO, she did not. Still, her oath to help took over, and she found herself scrambling up, her litheness and muscular form belying her age. "Alright. Please explain symptoms and what preceded the onset of them."

Zim turned to the Captain. "Yes Captain." Zim holstered his weapon and took hold of the rope. One would have thought that he would have a slow time at climbing based on his build. However, the strength of the Capellan seemed to be making short work of the climb. His only worry at this time was the vulnerability of the climb. That they were out in the open and anyone can attack. He simply did not like it.

The remaining bird looked at Vila and in a shrill voice told her, "Nobody ick. Eee just anted to ake oor dat ooo er afe in the wift." It shook its head at Vila and then watched in amazement as Zim and Vila started climbing the vine rather than entering the "bird cage."

O'Connor smirked at her assistant security chief and then watched Vila climbing up. She turned to Ross and said, "It appears that neither my doctor nor my security officer want the luxury ride in a cage. Come on, in with me. Let's see where this goes."

Ross shook her head, glad that she didn't have to climb the ropes herself. That would have been...challenging. She would have, but she doubted she could match Zim's skill in the matter. "Aye aye ma'am. Ye won't get any complaints from me."

Vila sighed deeply but leaned over to yell down to the others. "If no one is sick, why am I here?" She asked the bird man. She gave a LOOK, her brown eyes full of fire.

Haarris was in great shape. He did not beat the lift to the top but he made it up there in relative ease. As he climbed off the rope and onto the landing. He felt a mixture of feelings. Slightly sheepish as he did not realize the cage was a lift and also accomplished as he felt good for making the climb. "I am going to have to agree with the Doctor. If no one is ill then why are we here." Things just did not add up. Something about these avian creature rubbed him the wrong way.

By that point Ross was in the lift, shaking her head and repressing the urge to smile in amusement at it all.

The Captain waited for the cage to close and it lifted them to the level of branches where Zim and Lorut already landed. The avian that was on the ground flew up and answered, "Ooo awr ere becuz or Captain bought ooo ere." The avian then rolled its eyes to the side in what was likely an expression of exasperation. The avian opened the cage and let the Captain and Ross out. "Come," it told the party and gestured with a sweeping wing to follow it.

Zim was a security officer and as such hated being in the dark about anything. However, he also understood that Captains were want to keep certain facts on a need-to-know basis. Add to that he has yet to truly get to know Captain O'Connor so he is unfamiliar with her methods. All of this added up to although he didn't like it Zim would have to remain in the dark for the time being. He simply grunted his distaste for this and followed the Avians.

With a shrug, she followed behind the others. What could she do?!

Cara was in the same boat -lift? - as the others at that point, and fell in line, her head constantly bobbing up and down, between her tricorder readings and the surroundings, as if unsure which deserved her focus.

O'Connor strode down the path that had been haphazardly set before them, making sure that her group was with her. The path was made of a mixture of vines and wood. For these creatures, the path appeared unnecessary. It was likely built hastily to accommodate those who could not fly. Each time the avian creatures walked on the wood, a small click-clack sound could be heard by those in the group. It wound around to a large semi-enclosed area.

The top was made of vines. The far "wall" was also made of intricately laced vines, twigs, and other natural materials. However, from that wall were three poles that stretched perpendicularly to the wall and then attached to the perpendicular pole was another one that ran parallel to the far wall. The poles were arranged at different heights with the center being the highest. There was an opening in the back side "wall." All of this room had a certain amount of majesty to it, even if it all seemed temporary in nature.

Tufts of pollen flowed into the room as the wind picked up. When it settled down, the pollen floated all around, occasionally landing lightly.

The group's escorts brought them to the beginning of this room and said, "Wait."

O'Connor looked around at her group, furrowing her eyebrows at them all, hoping none of them would do anything stupid.

Vila watched carefully. She was still-always-on edge. A hand rested on her phaser for a moment, careful to make sure it was off, but at the ready, in case of ambush-or something. Still, she waited, glancing around at the others. It was quiet. Almost TOO quiet.

Swooping in, with a loud, piercing screech from above, came three more avian creatures. Two of them were carrying down a humanoid figure who was stretched out at the arms. Both of those avian creatures were colored sapphire blue. However, the other avian was colored red with yellow and blue wings. The multi-colored avian landed last, with a loud shriek.

At the sound of the commotion Zim's training took over. He stepped in front of the Captain with his phaser at the ready. His eyes were up and he watched the new arrivals carefully. His arms were extended, however, the phaser was pointed at the ground for the time being. He had to asses the threat before he could proceed.

O'Connor's eyes widened and she could not hold back a gasp as she said, "No. It can't be," as the two avians landed holding the humanoid.

Lt. Ross took a step back, swallowing down a yelp of surprise at the screech from above, and surprise at the site unfolding.

O'Connor whispered to Zim, "Keep an eye on that Romulan. She brainwashed Lieutenant Pendragon and infiltrated America with a sleeper agent. She's more dangerous than your average Romulan."

Vila immediately picked up on the tension, and eyeballed their new arrival with caution, black irises flicking with interest. The incessant noise from the birdfolk was starting to mess with the Betazed's abilities to read them, and that annoyed her. She cast a look at O'Connor. "What to do?" She asked the Captain, but mentally.

Following the Captain's orders Zim turned his attention to the Romulan that had just been brought before them. His weapon remained out but lowered to the ground. If needed in split seconds he could fire. At the moment though Zim was curious how a Romulan wound up here.

The multi-colored avian spoke. "Wecum, Captain. My name iz Archimedeez. Ay am da weeder ov da fwock. Der is a gweat debate about ooo. Our Womuwan fwend claim ooo ar ar enemee. Owever our Captain sez ooo saved im and iz cwew."

More pollen filled the area as Archimedes paused. Was it increasing in duration and density? The Romulan coughed as she inhaled a thick tuft of the pollen. Archimedes arched his head toward the sky and continued. "Your timing, owever, iz poor. We can ost ooo and wiwl give ooo food. Owever we cannot discuss more until da Wevawatun is compwete. It may elp weveal wat to do."

O'Connor asked, "What is this Revelation?"

Archimedes answered, "Da Wevawatun is a time wen our twoo sevz awr weveeled. It tartz wit the powwen, wich ooo now see. It ends wen da powwen iz gone. Wut appenz in between iz for da Godz to decide." Without explaining more, Archimedes continued, "Ooo are fee to go wer ooo wiwl. Wen da Wevawatun is compwete, we wiwl tawk again."

The Romulan sneezed after another cough, causing the avians to look over at her.

"Do you need help?" Vila asked the Romulan, finally speaking aloud. "I am a doctor," she clarified.

The Romulan looked over at Vila and scowled for an answer.

Zim could see that the pollen was not effecting Archimedes or his people, it also showed little to no effect on them. However, the Romulan seemed to be in some genuine trouble. He whispered so that only his people could hear. "Captain, Doctor, I wonder if there is something we can do for that Romulan. If they die from whatever this is, then it would be quite hard to get any information."

O'Connor thought about it. On the one hand, getting to the Romulan would be a great opportunity to obtain information. On the other, it could potentially be offensive. That devious Romulan would certainly turn anything over to her advantage. Therefore, O'Connor asked the avians, "Do you think we could assist your Romulan friend? She seems ill."

The Romulan immediately stood up and objected, "It is a trick. They just want to kill me. That's all the Federation does, is kill those that oppose them and they have tried to do it to me before." She dared a malicious smile at the Federation crew.

Archimedes answered, "it eemz dat da Womulan do not want elp. I wiwl wememba da offer afta da Wevawatun. Accomodatun are waiting for ooo." With that, Archimedes and his retinue prepared to fly off.

O'Connor turned to her crew and said, "I guess we will discuss this more at our temporary quarters."

Vila nodded. "That seems prudent," she said. She turned to Zim. "I think I'll take the lift this time," she said. "Lead the way, Lieutenant," she said.

O'Connor growled at Vila, "I believe that's my order to give, Lieutenant." She then, in a tone that was as apologetic as it was matter-of-fact looked at Zim and said, "Lead us once the avians direct us and once there, figure out how secure our communications will be."

"Yes Captain." Zim replied to the order as his head moved slowly and methodically about. He was getting the lay of the land and committed it to memory. For the moment these Avians were friendly however, the Capellan knew better than most that something like that could change at a moments notice and he wanted to be ready. "Captain, if our hosts would allow us, we should contact the ship and check in."

Vila simply smiled at O'Connor. "Nah, no need. They're friendlies. The Romulan, not so much," she said. "Their brains are simple to read. They operate on just a couple of tracks, Zim. Food, protection, and harassing us. You'll be fine," she said. In exasperation, she gestured towards the lift.

"Captain, your mind is a Come see me later, we can chat," she said. Vila had heard a rumor that the Fleet was considering hiring civilian psychologists to assist the medical corps. She, for one, would welcome a second hand.

O'Connor was not sure what Vila meant by that, but if she had concerns about her in any way, it was probably best not to do so in front of enemies and friends. instead, O'Connor let it pass and told Zim and the avians, "Lead on."


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