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Petty Officer, 1st Class Goldie Brown

Name Goldie Marie Brown

Position Yeoman

Rank Petty Officer, 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28
Date of Birth July 4
Place of Birth Oceanside, California

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 2"
Weight 92
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Goldie is petite and slim. She loves wearing short skirts and blouses off-duty. She loves to wear jewelry: hoop earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Sometimes, if she's in a particularly good mood, you can hear them jangle as she walks.


Father Martin Brown (deceased)
Mother Rowan Brown (deceased)
Other Family

Other Relationships

Significant Other(s)/Romance

Personality & Traits

General Overview Goldie is vivacious and happy. She has a tendency to giggle when she's nervous, happy or embarrassed. This is either seen as endearing or annoying. She tends to giggle a lot.

Generally she's warm and friendly and likes to help people.

She is a bit of a flake, but she's very good at a number of things. Including:
managing an office
keeping track of files and tools
Running a conn station
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Quirks Friendly and empathetic.
Warm and cheerful.
Good with languages and working on a computer.
A bit of a flake. She sometimes says the wrong thing at the wrong time.
She tends to act dumber than she is.
She giggles too much and looks like a typical dumb blond.
Ambitions Right now, she's happy doing her job and reading (primarily romances). She doesn't feel the need to settle into any one job or with any one person.

However, if she gets blindsided by love, she's likely to jump in with both feet and look later.
Hobbies, Interests, Likes, and Dislikes Painting watercolors, dancing (disco and go-go), reading romance novels.
Goldie likes to have fun. She likes to laugh and giggle and be around people who make her happy.
Languages Known Federation Standard
Medical Profile
Psychological Profile
Defining Quotes and/or Character Beliefs

Personal History Goldie was born and raised in Southern California. She spent a lot of time swimming and hanging out with her friends.

She really didn't have a goal in life, other than to enjoy it. She did well enough in school, but was happy getting B's and C's. As long as she was a little better than average, Goldie was content. Except languages. She found languages and linguistics fascinating.

As an only child, she never had to work or share a bedroom, so she learned to entertain herself by reading, writing and spending time in VR.

Her parents insisted she get a job and move out of the house when she turned 18, so Goldie went to a local college where she could continue to learn languages and listen to people speak them.

Goldie had no idea what to focus on, besides linguistics, so she took general courses and a lot of aptitude tests. In her third year she discovered that she loved organizing schedules, managing appointments and basically doing clerical/secretary work. She liked doing odd jobs and maintaining lists. She graduated with a low B average and decided she wanted a career in Starfleet where she could occasionally answer the comms or work in the transporter room. She particularly liked those jobs.

Just after Goldie transferred to her first ship, her parents died in a shuttle crash.

Her uncle, who ran a business of his own, took over her parents' company and gave Goldie shares in the newly-formed corporation. For now, all her earnings are invested for her.

Goldie tends to be a butterfly. Each ship she works in a different department. She tends to transfer frequently, looking for "the perfect spot" for her.

Her last position was captain's aide. She's always liked helping people and there she could run the captain's office and help people at the same time.
Education Record she has a degree, of sorts, in linguistics, data entry, and secretarial work.
Service Record