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The Revelation

Posted on Thu Nov 28th, 2024 @ 7:03pm by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Haarris Zim

1,690 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past
Location: Avian Planet
Timeline: 2296/03/13 1300 hours

The group was led to a thatch hut. The ground was covered with small bits of gravel. There were several ladders that led to perches with what seemed to be hastily put together thatch beds that looked like they may or may not support a human's body weight. In the side of the wall was a small pipe fountain that had running water. It was terribly rustic. Through various points in the "walls," were air slots and occasional bits of pollen floated into the "building."

The avian creature that led the party to this hut, left very shortly after showing them their quarters, not seeming to care what everyone would do thereafter.

Once O'Connor knew that they were alone, she told Zim, "Try and raise the ship."

"Yes Captain." Haarris replied obediently. He took out his communicator and after about five minutes of attempts and recalibrations he came to the conclusion that it would not be possible. "Captain there are only two explanations that I can think of as to why the communicators don't work. "Either these Avians are blocking our communications for some reason, or this pollen is blocking our transmission. Either way it seems that we are on our own here." He was glad at the moment that he was armed. If he had to he would fight his way out and back to the ship, in true Capellan fashion. He would make his ancestors proud.

"Lovely," O'Connor replied sarcastically. "Sadly, the only two conclusions that I can come to, as well. I wonder what is so important about this Revelation. I also want to know what our Romulan friend is going to do. I trust her about as far as Miss Ross or Miss Lorut can toss her. We apparently have the run of the area. Recommendations?"

Zim had one recommendation and he knew that no one would like it. However, it was the safest one and that was after all his job. "Since at the moment this is the only room that we know to be secure I recommend we make ourselves comfortable and not leave. We can hold up here until communication can be established with the ship. It is the most secure thing to do."

"Anyone else?" O'Connor asked, furrowing her eyebrows at Zim.

Vila shook her head in the negative. "No, sir. If there's no one injured, I suppose we just...figure out why they called us," she suggested.

"I want to know more about this Revelation, as well. I might suggest splitting up but I think that Lieutenant Zim would likely object to that. So, everyone ready?"

Zim still felt that his plan would be the best and safest however, he was overruled and as such checked his weapon and made sure it was in working order. He nodded to the Captain to tell her he was ready. Haarris knew that he would have to stay alert and keep his head on a swivel as humans put it. There definitely was something not right about everything that went on here.

The Captain strolled out the door, leading her away team behind her. The pollen was starting to get oppressive, sometimes forming a blanket of pollen resembling a snowstorm. The trees themselves were starting to get covered, as well.

As they walked on the heavy branches and occasional planks, the away team could see that merchants seemed to be closing their businesses, though haggling was continuing. Everything seemed to be normal in a society based upon money or barter. However, the crew abruptly saw that a muted yellow avian who had just received some sort of berries was now screaming in harsh shrieks at a vendor that had sold them to it. The vendor was a green colored avian that nearly perfectly blended into the leaves of the trees.

The green colored avian creature held out its wings, as if to make itself larger. At this moment, the yellow avian creature threw the berries at the vendor and flung itself at the green avian, its claws out, trying to gouge the green ones eyes out. Despite this obvious aggressive behavior, nobody seemed to be calling out for authorities of any kind. Rather, avians seemed to be rushing to get out of the way and finish whatever they had been doing.

Behind them, Vila coughed a little. She was going to have to rely more on her temporal abilities soon. Damn. She hated not being in full control of all of her senses. "I have a few different types of Hypospray at our disposal, shall it become necessary," she said.

She watched as what seemed to be an attack took place in front of them. She "called" out with her mind-Do you need help?I'm a doctor!

Zim had been looking around taking in all that he could see and hear. At first there seemed to be no reason for him to be so on guard. However, when he saw the fight that broke out between two Avians Zim made sure to step in front of the Captain and drew his phaser. If anyone or anything wanted to get to the Captain they would have to go through him first.

Vila got no response from the avian. Instead, the scent of blood started to fill the air and the green and yellow avian continued their battle. Feathers flew everywhere. The pollen continued to float through the air, thickening by the avian creatures battling. O'Connor looked at Zim, "We need to do something. Break them up."

Just as O'Connor said that, the sickening sound of a wing being ripped halfway off of the green avian could be heard. "Now, Zim."

Vila moved forward. If the Capellan wasn't going to do anything, she would. She pulled her Phaser, took the firing stance, and shot into the ground near the birds. "One of you is hurt. Let me help," she said, plainly and evenly. In her mind, she was screaming out. "STOP IT NOW." These must be male birds; men, no matter the species, always acted the fool, didn't they?

Zim was about to tell the Doctor that it was not their place to step in, not a Starfleet matter, and stepping in would in fact risk their safety for no reason. He was about to and then she jumped the proverbial gun. He kept his phaser leveled and watched the scene unfurl. It amazed him that the Doctor would keep a phaser leveled on the Avians and still offer medical assistance, that seemed to him a dichotomy. For the moment he decided that he would watch the scene unfurl and if Dr Lorut or the Captain were threatened then he would step in.

The avians completely ignored the doctor and continued to battle. O'Connor took out her phaser and fired on both of the battling avians who fell to the ground. The remaining avians scattered like the wind. "Somebody please explain to me what just happened here." She started walking over towards the stunned avians, the wind picking up, scattering more pollen.

Zim approached the Captain's position. "I am not entirely sure ma'am. But it seems to be an internal matter for the Avians. I suggest we seek cover as best we can and await return to the America."

"What of our duty to assist all species and render aid? Granted, he did not ask for help, but why do this?" It did not sit well with the Captain. "My kingdom for a science team. Maybe the Doctor can do an examination?"

"With all due respect Captain. We have a duty to render aid when it is asked for. My duty is to the safety of the America's crew and to the America itself. That duty is paramount and as I see it staying out of it is the best way to carry out that duty." Zim kept his phaser drawn but lowered at the moment. If one of these beings advanced on their position he would open fire.

"You can put the phaser down, Zim. They're stunned." The Captain hesitated. Was she becoming complacent? "Unless you think one of them will suddenly rise."

Zim eyed the others wearily, they did not seem like they would get up. At least not anytime soon. He holstered the phaser and stood his ground. "No, I think that the fight is over. We should return to our quarters."

"I want to know more about this. Where is security? Why was nobody concerned? There's something amiss here, Zim. Think about it. Maybe this has something to do with the Romulan or something else. Whatever it is, we need to find out."

Every gut instinct that Zim had told him that this was an internal matter and they best leave it alone. However, O'Connor was the Captain. He looked around and exhaled sharply through his nose. "There does not seem to be anyone around that we could ask. It is possible that this kind of fighting is simply their way and that is why they did not get concerned. I mean we do not know too much about these Avians."

"No, we don't," O'Connor agreed. "And we have a duty to learn more." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Besides, when we took in the avian ship, they were skittish, not hostile. This does not seem like their normal temperament. Now granted, we've only met a couple of them prior to now."

"I advise that we approach this merely as people who want to learn more. We should not attempt to interfere, as if we do interfere and this is their way that may cause an issue." Zim lowered his weapons and holstered it. He did not like the idea of getting involved here. It was generally safer to plot a defensive strategy. That is one of non involvement unless needed.

"We will play it by ear. Something odd is going on here, Zim. I can feel it. I can taste it. Can't you?" She looked over at Zim. He's cute when he pouts. Say what? Why would I think that? "Let's go."


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