Meeting Security
Posted on Fri Aug 13th, 2021 @ 3:36am by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant JG John Adams
664 words; about a 3 minute read
Mission 8 - A Blast from the Past
Location: Security
Timeline: 2296/03/12 1600
There were so many people Amaya needed to meet, and others she wanted to meet. She decided she needed to meet the senior staff she'd work with most, and decided to begin with security. She went into main security and looked around for the Chief.
Adams saw the commander walk in, so he walked over. "Commander. Lieutenant John Adams. Can I help you with something?"
"I'm the new first officer," Maya said. "And I wanted to meet you and hear what you think of the ship."
"It's a good ship, with a good crew, commander." Adams responded.
"Glad to hear it," she said. "And you? Where did you serve before here?"
"On the USS Odyssey as a junior member of the security departmant, sir."
"Ma'am, please," Maya replied. "I'm more scientist than officer and still find it a bit odd to be addressed as sir. Tell me what you liked most about the Odyssey."
"The security chief took me under his wing and taught me everything I know. I progressed quickly in rank, and when this position opened up, the chief recommened that I apply for it." Adams replied. "I had a few close friends on the Odyssey, and I try to keep in touch with them, ma'am."
She nodded. "Thank you. It helps me understand you a little better if I know where you came from. CVs don't always give you a feel for the person." She smiled. "I'm sure you have everything under control, but since I'm new here, is there anything you need that we might be able to order for when we stop at the next starbase?"
"Nothing that I can think of, ma'am. We're pretty well stocked in security, and I've been training the staff when there's a quiet moment."
"What sort of training do you do?" she asked. She wasn't sure what would require routine training for a security officer.
"Weapons training....hand to hand combat....basic first aid....and I had an obstacle course built in an empty cargo bay, ma'am. My people need to know how to stop a charging Klingon, ma'am." He looked at the commander. "I take my job seriously."
"They do," she agreed. "Standard phasers, I presume. And what sort of obstacles are in your course?" Most security officers didn't use obstacle courses on a regular basis, so she was curious.
"We've managed to construct modular components, so we can change obstacles when we want to change tactics...we can have the interior of a ship...a base...or even to simulate a possible land based situation, going building to building as an example. And we use training phasers, so the computer can record events." Adams answered.
"That's impressive," she said. She wasn't sure how often security would need to go building to building, or to defend a base, but it was still impressive. "Have you had a chance to use that training?"
Adams shook his head. "So far, our missions have been rather mundane, ma'am."
Maya nodded. "That's generally the case. But they won't always be mundane. There's also no telling what we'll encounter, either." She shrugged. She just hoped she would be ready. She had a large learning curve to know how to work with the Captain and crew. "While I'm here, is there anything you think I should be aware of?"
He wanted to tell her that the captain can sometimes be a bit of a 'hard-ass' when it comes to new people, like the way she treated him when he first arrived. "No, I don't think there's anything else you need to know, commander."
She nodded. "Okay then. I'll let you get back to your work. Nice to meet you, Lieutenant."
"And you, ma'am. If I can be of service, let me know."
"I will. Thank you." She inclinded her head and left the security office.
Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac
First Officer/Communications
USS America
Lieutenant John Adams
Chief Of Security
USS America