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Status Update - August, 2019 Edition

Posted on Sun Aug 4th, 2019 @ 2:30am by Captain Kelly O'Connor

General News - Status Update - August, 2019 Edition

The following is a news item from Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor.

Welcome to America’s first 2019 Status Update! I will be sending these out on the first of the month (give or take a few days) to give an overview of everything that happened in the month before and of what our goals are for the upcoming month.


This month we lost one crew member:

Lieutenant Raine MacLeod, Chief Security Officer


We're going to continue improving upon the site to make it attractive and informative for all. Our XO seems to have this mostly under control, but if there's something that you want to see that we don't have, please let us know!


We only had one post this month. Not good. Hopefully, we will pick up the pace with the rescue at the Aenerthan spaceship.

Mission Recap

America has just arrived into Spacedock after a rather harrowing mission with the Kelvans and their children trying to take over the universe, as their parents once had. Foiled, America returned home and is obtaining new crew, much to the chagrin of the Captain.

Having set off with a new crew, the often cantankerous Captain Kelly Jean O'Connor is disturbed to be sent out on yet a new diplomatic mission. They are investigating a world called Aenerth for its admission into the Federation. On their way, they have found a crippled Aenerthan ship which requested assistance and seems confounded by America's willingness to help at no cost.


Assist the Aenerthan ship and continue onto Aenerth for investigation.

Player of the Month

With one posts this month, I cannot in good conscience nominate a player of the month this month.


If anyone has any ideas for character development or even some subplots, share them with us. I know that my door, as well as my XO’s are always open. Any questions, comments, or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact the Command team. We are here for you!


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