Mission 7 - Aenerth for an Earth

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America is sent to investigate Aenerth for recommendations regarding admissions to the Federation.

Start Date Thu Jan 1st, 1970 @ 1:00am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Stranded...and Hiding
by Lieutenant Commander Amaya Capac & Lieutenant Cyrus Jericho
Lost in the Woods
by Lieutenant JG T'Pruk & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon
2296/02/29 - 1800 Pendragon and T'Pruk's Quarters
Hearts and Minds
by Lieutenant JG T'Pruk & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/02/21 - 1600 Briefing Room
Care for a Drink?
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/02/29 - 1000 Captain's Ready Room
Problems and Recommendations
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant JG T'Pruk & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/02/21 - 1300 Receiving Area
Meeting the Parents
by Captain Kelly O'Connor
2296/02/21 - 1200 Ayame residence
After The Scare
2296/02/28 - 2100 Magnus Grey’s Quarters
Disagreements over Do No Harm
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey
2296/02/21 - 1230 University Campus
Visiting Edenor
by Lieutenant JG T'Pruk & Lieutenant Shri Thais
2296/02/21 - 1100 Edenor - agricultural center of Aenerth
Aenerthan Medical Procedures
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Iona Vrell
2296/02/21 - 1100 Aenertha University
The Industrial Area
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/02/21 - 1100 Aenerthan Industry
Vulcans in Edenor
by Lieutenant JG T'Pruk & Lieutenant Shri Thais
2296/02/21 - 1100 En Route to Edenor
On Climatology and Politics
by Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/02/20 - 1540 Ship's Library
The Scare: Part 1 - Afraid
2296/02/28 - 1300 Shri's Quarters
The Scare: Part 2
2296/02/28 - 1400 Sickbay
by Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Iona Vrell
2296/02/21 - 0815 Sickbay
Divide and Conquer
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant JG T'Pruk & Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Iona Vrell & Lieutenant Shri Thais & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon & Lieutenant JG Cara Ross
2296/02/21 - 1030 Banquet Hall
The Banquet
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Iona Vrell & Lieutenant Shri Thais & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon
2296/02/21 - 0930 Aenerthan Capitol Building
Solo Education
by Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey
2296/02/20 - 1500 XO Office
Arrival at Aenerth
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Iona Vrell & Lieutenant Shri Thais & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon & Lieutenant JG Liliane Olivier
2296/02/21 - 0915 Bridge
Best Relief There Is
by Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Shri Thais
2296/02/20 - 1900 Magnus' Quarters
About That Shuttle...
by Lieutenant JG Liliane Olivier & Captain Kelly O'Connor
2296/02/20 - 1430 Captain's Ready Room
What's In a Name?
by Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant JG Liliane Olivier
2296/02/20 - 1215 XO Office
Meeting with the Aenerthan Captain
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Iona Vrell & Lieutenant Shri Thais & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon & Lieutenant JG Liliane Olivier
2296/02/19 - 1815 Briefing Room
Boarding Party Time
by Captain Kelly O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Iona Vrell & Lieutenant Shri Thais & Lieutenant JG Brian Pendragon & Lieutenant JG Liliane Olivier
2296/02/19 - 1015 Shuttlecraft & Kaliya

Mission Summary