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Launch Day Minus One

Posted on Sun Apr 21st, 2019 @ 7:48am by Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Captain Kelly O'Connor
Edited on on Tue Apr 30th, 2019 @ 9:42pm

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 6.5 - Obtaining New Crew
Location: Captain’s Ready Room
Timeline: 2296/02/16 - 0930

It was the day before they were set to leave Spacedock and return to deep space. Refits and upgrades were going well, and Magnus Grey had met a number of the ship’s officers old and new.

It was time to brief Captain O’Connor on their status. She was waiting for him in her Ready Room. He stepped off the turbolift, walked across the bridge, and chimed her door.

O'Connor sighed. She had just gotten into a rhythm on her annoying paperwork and now she was being interrupted. Her yeoman had better have a good excuse for this interruption. She furrowed her eyebrows and called "Come in."

The door opened and Magnus stepped in. “Good morning, Captain,” Magnus said with a smile. “Did you have a good evening?”

O'Connor tried not to cringe in her seat. Worse than the yeoman, she thought to herself. "What brings you here?" she asked the Commander, purposely avoiding his question.

“Progress report on our refit and readiness for launch,” Magnus answered. “In brief, we’re on schedule to depart tomorrow at 1400. Supplies are loaded and most of the new crew have checked in. I’ve personally met the new Chiefs of Medicine, Science, and Security and they all seem like competent officers.” He gestured to the seat in front of the Captain’s desk. “May I?”

O'Connor wondered what would not seem like a competent officer to her XO. After all, he was an academic? What could he know of what makes a competent officer? Granted, O'Connor had positive hopes for those departments based on her own meetings. "If you would like," O'Connor told Magnus.

Magnus took a seat and leaned back in it. “The security chief has been very thorough, having her team check all incoming personal effects visually. She even found some contraband. In speaking with our new Chief Science Officer, I learned just how old some of our equipment is. But Shri gave me a want list and I managed to get some upgrades for her.”

"That's something," O'Connor replied, mildly interested.

“Better than what Command had planned for us,” said Magnus. “Limited upgrades to the sensor relays, and a new microcellular analyzer and upgraded containment unit for toxic chemicals and diseases. Shri seemed happy.”

"How did you manage to do better than what the Admiralty would allow?" O'Connor asked curiously.

Magnus smiled. “I’m very good at talking to people, Captain. And I listen just as well. Over the years I’ve made friends just about anywhere. One of the supply officers on Spacedock is an old flame with whom I’m on good terms. She couldn’t get me everything we asked for, but it’s something. Why? Is there something you need before we leave?”

"An Excelsior," O'Connor replied flatly. "Can you get that for me?"

“Sure!” Magnus replied. “Just save the galaxy from certain doom, sacrificing the America as you do so, but saving every last person aboard. They’d rename the next frame at Utopia Planitia the America-B, I’m sure.” He grinned at her. “Success would be likeliest if you went down with the ship, though. Then I’d get the Excelsior, which you probably assume I’d use as a mobile university.”

"Nobody likes a smart ass, Commander," O'Connor told him, despite the fact that she could act that way. "Besides, I have saved the galaxy a number of times and yet, here I continue to remain."

“So did Kirk,” observed Magnus, “and he retired commanding a ship like this. His subordinates got the Excelsior. But back on subject, was there anything specific for this ship that I can try to get for our mission? Speaking of which, where are we going once we launch?”

O'Connor's eyebrows deeply furrowed at the mention of Kirk's name. It did not take a telepath to know that something about Kirk was a very sore subject for O'Connor. "We're apparently going on a diplomatic mission," she scoffed disdainfully.

Magnus noticed her reaction, and filed it away to never mention Captain Kirk ever again. He did not understand, but it was an easy thing to avoid. Her reaction to diplomacy was less understandable. “What’s wrong with a diplomatic mission, Captain? Are they not among the more important things we could do?”

"If you're an academic, I suppose so," O'Connor replied disgusted.

“What would you prefer we do?”

"My preferences are irrelevant, Commander. We will do what we must."

Magnus smiled warmly. "Fair enough, Captain. What's our mission, exactly?"

"We're going to investigate a planet that is seeking admission to the Federation." O'Connor stifled a yawn as she looked at the data on her PADD. "Nothing special about them. They've only been warp capable for a couple of decades but they appear to make strides in fits and starts. Humanoid."

"There's always something special about them, Captain," Magnus said with a smile, hoping his optimism would help brighten the Captain's day. ""Each and every culture we bring into the Federation adds to us. What's the planet called? I'll begin my research and work with relevant departments on a plan for when we arrive."

And now he is Mary Sunshine? Ugh! "The planet is called Aenerth. Plan away," O'Connor told her Commanding Officer. She had no intention of making a plan. When did she ever? She prayed to whatever Gods might exist that her Executive Officer would loosen up and just go with the flow. She doubted that would ever happen.

“Right away, Captain,” said Magnus. “Before I go, I know you didn’t pick me, and I don’t know how many of the other new crew you selected, but we won’t let you down. From what I can tell, we’ll make a good team, and we’ll do good things on the America. Ma’am.”

Furrowing her brows, O'Connor thought, OK, Mister Cheerleader. I see no reason to tell you that I already met with the new Chiefs and find them to be acceptable. And on a coming mission, like this one, barring another T'Pani incident, we are going to be so bored that we not being there will be as useful as being there. Instead, O'Connor merely said, "Thank you, Commander," essentially dismissing him.

With that, understanding the implied dismissal, Magnus stood and left his Captain’s office. He could tell she still didn’t care for him, but he hoped that would change. He already saw a slight thawing of her opinion for him. However long it would take, he would prove his value to Captain Kelly O’Connor.


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