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Outdated Labs

Posted on Thu Apr 11th, 2019 @ 4:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Magnus Grey & Lieutenant Shri Thais
Edited on on Mon Apr 15th, 2019 @ 3:52pm

1,079 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 6.5 - Obtaining New Crew
Location: Deck 3 - Science Labs
Timeline: 2296/02/14 - 1300

Lieutenant Command Magnus Grey had heard that most of the new crew was aboard and settling in. Rather than insist everyone come find him, he decided to be a bit more proactive and meet people where they worked. It let him tour the ship while he did so. He had not yet visited any of the science labs, so he decided to check them out and meet with Shri Thais, their new Chief Science Officer.

The door to the main science lab opened and he stepped inside. "Hello?" he called out.

Shri looked over from the container she was digging in. “Commander!” The room was a mess as she tried to get things organized. “I um, sorry about the mess.”

“Not a problem, Lieutenant,” Magnus said with a smile. “I don’t mean to disturb your work. I’m Magnus Grey, First Officer. I take it you’re the new Chief Science Officer I was looking for?”

"I am. Shri Thais. Just trying to get things somewhat organized but, everything in here is not going to cooperate with some of the newer programs to run experiments."

“Let me guess,” Magnus said, stepping a bit closer. “The lab equipment is old and the manufacturer isn’t supporting it anymore? These smaller pieces are new and won’t interface properly, and you can’t patch them?”

She pointed at him, "There you go. And I don't know if requesting the new stuff will do any good, considering what I've heard about the ship."

“I can probably pull a few strings for you,” Magnus said. “Get you one or two new pieces to replace the old, and have them installed properly. You’d have to prioritize, but I have an in with the supply Officer on Spacedock. She’ll help.”

"Honestly? I'd rather have the sensor relays upgraded. But, if you can only swing lab equipment," Shri found a seat and sat down, thinking. "Um...I might know once I dig through this and see what all I have."

"Sensor relays," Magnus repeated. "I'll see what I can do. Lab equipment might be easier but I can try. Give me your wish list and I'll see if I can make a miracle happen." He leaned against a work bench. "So, Ms. Thais, tell me a bit about yourself."

Shri nodded, “I’ll get you the list by the end of the day. As for me? Boring.” She grinned. “Half Vulcan, follow most human customs, bright blonde hair though most Vulcans have the darker hair.”

"I did notice that," Magnus observed. "Your ears poked through at one point. The universe is a diverse place, Lieutenant. I never thought I'd meet a blonde Vulcan who smiles, but I'm glad that I have." He gave her a wink. "What's your scientific background?"

"They do that, especially when I keep my hair completely straight. I curl it on occasion and then no one can tell." She shrugged. "Scientific background? Astrophysics. Not that I've been able to use much of it. Previous chief over me had a..thing...against Vulcans in any form. I nearly punched him during a meeting."

Magnus gave her a smile that he was told people often found charming. "I would've liked to see that. But rest assured that I have no issues with Vulcans. You'll be permitted to study astrophysics to your heart's content, albeit with limited and outdated resources. I'm a xenolinguist myself. Not much overlap between that and astrophysics, but I've seen stranger interdisciplinary studies."

Shri couldn't help but chuckle, "He's lucky there were others there, otherwise I would have knocked him out. I did have him pinned against the wall though. My captain had figured out about the dislike of Vulcans that my department chief had and started assigning me things instead of him. It got to a boiling point quickly."

"Well you're the chief now," Magnus said. "And having experienced a bad department head, I know you'll be a good one. And if you ever need anything from me, my door is always open. Well, not literally. They tend to close behind me." He smiled at his own joke.

"Very bad joke, Commander. Hate to tell you that," she shrugged and grinned. "I will try my best, just a new experience for me."

He sighed. "I know it was bad, but I had to make it. Anyways, send me that list, and I'll see what I can put together for you. Like I said, the supply officer on Spacedock, well...she and I used to date and we're still on good terms. She'll help us out."

Shri smirked. “ that makes more sense.” She shrugged. “I’ll get you things. I just hope they even have them and they are compatible with the systems.”

"Excellent," Magnus said, smiling at her smirk. It threw him off guard to see someone with Vulcan blood smiling and laughing and smirking, but once he got past it he also realized how pretty she was. The uniform was form-fitting and made him give her a quick examination. "Ms. Thais...Shri...Would you care to get dinner sometime? Or a drink? Maybe in the next few days?"

Having to take a moment to realize what was being asked, Shri felt her face flush a nice shade of green. "Err..dinner? Drink? I um..." She gathered her thoughts for a moment before answering. "I'd love to. Name the time and place."

“Tomorrow night,” Magnus answered. “One of the restaurants on Spacedock. I know a place that does the best Szechuan food outside of China. No uniforms. Sound good?”

Shri nodded, "Szechuan food is something I haven't had since I was a kid. And not uniforms makes it even better." She smiled, "You've got yourself a date, Magnus."

“Excellent!” He grinned back at her. “Meet me at the airlock at 1900. If I don’t run into you sooner, I’ll see you tomorrow night.” With that, he turned back around and headed out the door. On his first day aboard he’d had a meeting with Captain O’Connor that hadn’t gone well. But on his second day, he got a date with the beautiful Chief Science Officer. He was already very happy in his new assignment.

Smirking to herself, she watched as he left. Was she really just asked out by her new first officer on the first day she met him? Grabbing a blank PADD, she started in on the supply list.


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